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How To Find Hot Selling Products For Your Shopify Store – 2020

Dropshipping businesses, like Shopify, is mostly based on impulse buying, regardless you still need to know how to find hot selling products for your Shopify store.

You promote a product on social media, usually through Facebook Ads, and someone will purchase it if they liked the product. In fact, anything can sell if displayed properly, and a lot of people are making a killing through untapped and small nitch markets.

This business model comes with pros and cons. The major pros are convenience, low start-up capital, and freedom to experiment with products to sell.

The biggest con with dropshipping, however, is having less control over the entire fulfillment process. When it comes to dropshipping, though, the most important question is:


What Products To Sell?

The first thing to consider is choosing a product category you have actual experience in using. This provides you with a competitive advantage because you can explain the technical aspects of the product and its various uses to prospective customers which will help you sell the product.

For instance, if you’re a professional drone operator, you can sell various types of drones online by teaching people how to use your products and help them choose the most appropriate type for them. Your experience will be the leverage that helps sell your product.

Always keep in mind a few basic principals when choosing your overall nitch and products to go with it.

  • Seasonal Products – These are great if you are experienced in marketing and can really hit a home run when it comes time for your event. If you are just starting out I would recommend starting with an all year round product.
  • Weight Of product – At the end of the day if you are making money then you are doing something right. Make sure you do your homework on the freight costs for shipping your products, A sale can quickly go from exciting to Oh no the shipping is more than my order, and I did not calculate that in.
  • Fragile – If you can, stay away from fragile and other easily broken products, This reduces returns, complaints and refunds and more importantly your reviews
  • Gated Items – These are items in which need to be checked before entering the country, Some places do not allow imported knives and other potential weapons and some do. Certain chemicals and sometimes batteries are forbidden

Finding Un-Popular Products To Sell

Next is to find a not so popular product. This type of product can be your cash cow. As long as you have access to the niche market, it might be the best type of product to sell. There are less-popular products out there and they’re great products to sell because they’re highly sought after by the consumers that want them.

To find them, you’d need to observe and analyze niche markets on a deeper level.

Some examples of not-so-popular dropshipping products that may sell well include: Bulletproof vests, paintball guns, and diving equipment. These are highly-targeted products that some consumers want, but don’t apply to all consumers.

Unlike in conventional eCommerce stores where you must have certain types of products to sell and stick to those products because you’ve already ordered plenty of stock, the dropshipping business model allows you to test the market without keeping any inventory. This being said, if selling a certain product doesn’t work, you can easily switch to another product without worrying about unsold merchandise or lost revenue.

You just have to make the ad attractive and keep the price low. The attractive ad is the hook that will induce the viewers to buy the product. And, once they are interested, you tell them the price. The price should be low so they get sold on it instantly.

However, you probably don’t have all the time in the world to experiment with figuring out which dropshipping products sell well and which don’t. It’d be ideal to already have some idea of which products sell well before using this business model.

The Overall Dropshipping Model

Overall, dropshipping is a very promising business model. It’s even more promising when you choose the right type of products so that you can get more sales. The good thing is, what works for you might not work for others, so you don’t need to worry as much about competing sellers who might be inspired to follow your chosen path.

Start-up costs are low, and your dropshipping business is something that can be worked at over time. Your inventory can be whatever you want it to be. You do not have to order stock in advance and have it stored in your garage or storage rental.

How To Find Hot Selling Products For Your Shopify Store

start by checking out best-selling products at top retailers like Amazon and eBay. Next, you can filter through and select less-popular products with strong niches. Either way, you can choose to go the short or the long route when it comes to sourcing them.

Other considerations when figuring out how to find dropshipping products to sell include how much profit margin you’d like to make and your overall ROI ( Return On Investment )

your familiarity with the suppliers, and their reputation, as well as your own knowledge and experience with the products.

And finally, if you’re a strong storyteller, you can choose products that are in alignment with stories that you can tell to market them.

Dropshipping AlternativeWealthy Affiliate

Dropshipping is a great way of building a passive income online, however, there is a lot to manage when you are first starting out. What the guru’s on youtube do not tell you is that when you first startup, you will be managing all the questions and comments, Complaints, and product returns. Refunds and so on. Also if you start getting huge amounts of orders every day you will need to be placing those orders every day…manually…and trust me this gets boring and can get very time-consuming.

Affiliate Marketing is kind of similar in the way of us not owning the stock and selling it. however, with affiliate marketing, you do not have to handle ANY of the above hassles that come with drop shipping.

Find out more about Affiliate Marketing Here


What constitutes as “the best dropshipping product to sell like crazy” differs from one seller to the next. To make a product sell like crazy, a combination of the product’s benefits and the seller’s competitive advantage is required. Experiment with various products, as this business model allows you to.

Want to know more? Watch this presentation and learn more ways on how to actually find Dropshipping Products that sell.

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