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How To Earn Money Online Typing – Any Topic Can Make Money

How To Earn Money Online Typing

How to earn money online typing

Making money online through typing is a growing trend that anyone can do from the comforts of their own home, you can start writing/Blogging for free, and it does not matter what your interests are, If you can type, you can make money online.

Starting your own blog website is fun, and can be very rewarding, just like anything though it takes practice, and the more we practice and learn, the better we get.

Steps On How To Make Money Online By Blogging

Setting up a website or blog online is simple, straight forward and can be done within a few simple steps 

  • Find the topic or topics that you will be writing about, Something you feel passionate about and can talk about easily is best.
  • Find a website hosting platform to build your website on. I recommend ( Wealthy Affiliate) as they offer you everything for free, Including website hosting and website security
  • Sign up with SiteRubix ( Walkthrough Example Here )
  • Now your website is built you can start writing articles,
  • Start finding affiliate programs based around your chosen nitch, You can find affiliate programs to join easily by joining an affiliate marketing network like ShareASale has thousands of affiliate programs you can ask to join all in one place, This makes it easy and convenient to join and follow your affiliate programs.
  • Once you have been accepted into one or more affiliate programs you can now start adding their banners, Products, and links throughout your articles,
  • When someone reads your article and clicks on one of these banners, links, or products and makes a purchase you will receive a commission.

Learn How To Blog For Free

It’s all very good and well starting a website and getting a blog up and running, learning how to blog in a way that is user friendly and captivating is a skill on its own, and the better you are at this the more your viewers will stay on your website and are more likely to come back.

I would strongly urge you to start some kind of training program that teaches you the basic foundations of content marketing, This will make sure you aren’t doing anything that could jeopardize your success in the long run.

You can get free starter memberships to an online affiliate marketing training university called Wealthy Affiliate. Here they teach you everything from setting up your first website to getting your first pages created and your blogs written.

With the Wealthy Affiliate starter membership, you will work through the very easy to follow step by step training videos and get everything in order for you to start expanding your website.

Wealthy Affiliate is hands down the best online training university that sets you up for free and lets you get a good look at what goes on behind the scenes before you upgrade to the premium account. Full membership plan details here.

Other Wealthy Affiliate Freebees…

Upon signing up with the free starter membership you will get…

  • A free website
  • Free website templates
  • Free website hosting
  • Free website security
  • SEO Ready
  • Over 20+ step by step training videos
  • A huge helpful community

The Overall Objective With Blogging And Content Marketing


The reason people will venture to your website is that you have something to offer them, something of value, something that has caught their attention and has persuaded them to click on your banner, post, blog, or link, Whatever it is! they are interested.

The main objective overall is to write an article about something that people are searching for on Google, Targeted keyword articles are the best way to get free traffic to your website.

To find what people are looking up in Google, we use a Keyword Research Tool called Jaaxy. Jaaxy is one of, if not the best keyword research tool on the market. Jaaxy tells us all the vital information about the keywords you are researching and/or want to use in your article.

Read More On Jaaxy Here

Earn Money Online Without Investment Typing

It is completely 100% possible to make money online without having to spend anything…If you know where to go and where to look.

I will give you a list of places and tools to help you get up and running and able to start making money online for free, these have been crucial in me becoming successful through my online blogging, and I wish you all the same.

Helpful Tools For Blogging And Affiliate Marketing


  • – Owned by the owners of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle and Carson. SiteRubix is a website building and hosting platform that works hand in hand with Wealthy Affiliate ( If you sign up with Wealthy Affiliate you will receive a free website through SiteRubix anyway.
  • – An affiliate marketing training platform where you can learn how to blog and affiliate market professionally. It is free to join and is a good way to get a first-hand look as to what it is we do, and how everything works behind the scenes. and yes you can start earning money from the starter membership, No credit card needed.
  • Jaaxy A highly respected keyword research tool on steroids. This is the only tool to use when finding the exact keywords your target market/customers are using and how much competition there is for that particular keyword or phrase.


Keyword Research Tool Jaaxy


logo And Text Work

  • – URL Shortener, The Universal Resource Locator, Sometimes an address for a website page or post is very long so we use this tool Bitly to shorten and tidy them up.
  • Slab Text Generator This lets you do cool stuff with text art… for example



The Freedom Of Working Online Typing

The joys of being able to work wherever you want, how you want, and when you want is an unbelievable feeling, to say the least. Through affiliate marketing and blogging online this is 100% possible and is within reach for anyone to take advantage of.

Pros of blogging/affiliate marketing online

  • Is completely free to start up
  • No liability or product insurance
  • You are your own boss
  • Work when you want and where you want
  • Spend more time with family and friends, Doing more things you want to do
  • Actually building a future passive income that will overall bring you a life of financial freedom and flexibility.
  • Build a huge online network of like-minded people
  • Help others escape their physical employment and start there journey towards financial freedom and flexibility as well
  • The freedom to talk about your interests and your passions, “It actually does not feel like work”.
  • We are building an online empire that can be passed on to our children, family, or friends.

Final Words Of Advice

There are lots of different ways to make money online and I know many that have spent thousands and are still jumping from one opportunity to another, getting caught up in the hype of it all, ultimately this will not bring success,

Making a living from blogging and affiliate marketing is not a get rich quick program or business module, However, and if you practice and stick with it, eventually you will start to see the rewards, and once you have established an online empire of your own, the profits will only get better

As always any comments or questions please do leave below and I will be sure to read and/or comment ?



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